
Fortran-based flexible output manager with support for NetCDF and text formats applicable for use in numerical models.


Fortran-YAML implements a sub-set of the YAML specification in a Fortran library.

Used by e.g. FABM to read the run-time bio-geochemical configuration file fabm.yaml and to read output configuration for the flexible_output system optionally used in GOTM and GETM.

The YAML figure is taken from here


A GOTM simulation for any point in the world with only 2 clicks. Selecting a geographical position using Google Maps and clicking ‘Simulate’ will make an one year (2016) GOTM simulation with results presented in the browser.

Try it out here.


EditScenario is a python 2 and 3 script used to generate and manipulate Fortran namelists - based on XML formatted configuration file.

FABM support in UVic-ESCM

Fortran code documentation


STIM Fortran code documentation


EAT Fortran code documentation


ParSAC is a sensitivity analysis and calibration tool for GOTM and fabm0d . ParSAC is written in Python.

Citable version (latest): DOI

GitHub contributors


The General Ocean Turbulence model is both a state-of-the-art turbulence library for flows in natural waters and a 1D water column model.


The General Estuarine Transport Model GETM is a primitive equation numerical model for ocean and lake simulations.


The Framework for Lake and Ocean Models (FLOM) provides a set of easy to use building blocks for creating advanced numerical models for lakes and oceans.


The Framework for Aquatic Biogeochemical Models (FABM) provides a generic, easy to use, high performance coupling layer that connects a hydrodynamic model (e.g., 1D water column, 3D world ocean) with multiple biogeochemical submodels.